Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back on the blog...

Haven't been writing for a while...I can say I've been completely lost in Damascus, somewhere in between the new and the old city, trying to become part of such a mixture of everything, trying to be me and at the same time to respect the rules of a completely different world, trying to understand and act alike.

What have I learned so far? 

Firstly, every time you are trying too hard to do something it's never going to work as you you just have to be more relaxed, to enjoy the process and not think too much of the result. The process as it is might be much better and useful.

Then, you need to be a very good observer...especially here. to understand... try to pick up words that sound familiar...try to learn new words and use them every time you get the chance.

Thirdly, enjoy your time...enjoy being lost... enjoy the struggle to have a normal dialogue in a language you've never heard before, a language that sounds like something you've been studying but it is nothing like that... enjoy being different and respect the differences you see in the people around you...never judge! This might become your biggest mistake.

No matter how far you are from home, you can always find a family that can make you feel like home no matter the language they speak, the culture they come from or their religion.

However, I think the most important thing that I've learned in the past two months is  how to treasure my independence and my freedom. And this has nothing to do with religion, politics, family, rules, government, society...this is all about myself!

The song that ends my article is composed by one of my best friends, Fadi G. Al-Naji. It is probably the best symbol of what the past two months have taught me. Thank you Fadi!

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