Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Was the Zionist claim to Palestine a valid one? Part 4

In the forth and last part of this article, I want to focus on the roots of modern Zionism as a secular movement with a political orientation towards Palestine and also on the factors that contributed to the success of the Zionist project. It is worth mentioning the fact that ordinary Jews of European countries who had at first no intention to emigrate to Israel did at the same time identify with the Zionist ideal. Outside Europe, Israel became a common identity for all American Jewish groups. Whether they were liberal or not, the Jews gave Israel a mythic quality, coming from both ethnical identity and religion[1]. No matter how true or wrong this position towards Israel was, it was strongly influenced by factors such as the failure of Jewish efforts to become assimilated in Western societies and the intensification of anti-Semitism in Europe.

For centuries, Jews had been regarded as foreign bodies wherever they have been living. However, their status was different from Western to Eastern Europe were the situation of the Jewish population was getting worse day by day. We should also bear in mind the impact of the Nazism in Germany and the Holocaust which is reminded even today as one more reason for the Jews to have the right to their national homeland.
Still, I strongly believe that the ones to pay for the Jewish struggles and sufferings shouldn’t have been the Palestinians. This is just a proof that, unfortunately, history hasn’t taught the Zionists anything, or if it did, they must have got everything wrong.

Still, everything relies on the way we learn to manage our actions, our fear or courage, our angriness or the wish for power and command. The Arab-Israeli conflict has definitely been a lesson, but still most of the ones involved fail to understand it. This is actually the reason why I chose this question as the topic for my article. It helped me go back to the seeds of the conflict and to prove how once again one made the games for everyone. 

To sum up, I reaffirm my belief that the Zionist claim to Palestine is not just invalid, but also totally unfair for the natives of the land. Not only that Palestine wasn’t an aim for the Zionist project from the start, but even when it became their goal it was already a home for other people whose existence was completely denied. Other arguments such as the historical background and demographic numbers support my belief.

A very old Arabic saying states: “I have three friends and three enemies. My friends are: my friend, the friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy. My enemies are: my enemy, the friend of my enemy and the enemy of my friend.” I finish my article leaving on you to reflect on who are the friends and enemies of the Arabs.

[1] Karmi, Married to another man: Israel’s dilemma in Palestine, 58-60

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