Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God’s Justice

Long time ago a poor human dared to blame God for being unfair. In response to man’s blaming, God sent him one of His angels. As soon as the man saw the angel, he asked:
“How can God be so cruel and unfair? He should be Justice, but how can justice take from me what I have loved the most?! “
The angel responded:
“ Do you want to see God’s justice? Come with me!”
And he took the man to a poor village where ten souls where living in an old house with just one-room.  As soon as they arrived the angel started a fire and burned the whole house. The family was saved, but the little that they had was now lost.
Nearby two neighbors that had been enemies all their lives were just making peace and one of them was offering the other a cup of wine. The angel took the cup and gave it to a child. The child died as soon as his lips touched the cup.
After seeing all this, the man hardly found the power to ask:
“Where is the Justice then?”
 And the Angel answered once again:
“After the fire, the poor family wanted to build a new house and, while digging the ground, they found a treasure. Therefore the house they build now is going to be big enough for all of them and they are never going to suffer of hunger anymore. On the other hand, the two neighbors were not going to make peace because hate is in their veins hidden in their blood. There wasn’t just wine in the cup, there was poison together with the sweetness of the grapes.”
“Now I start to understand, says the man, but how can God call the killing of a child justice?”
Then the Angel answered while fading away:
“The child would have killed his mother and sisters if it wasn’t for the wine cup.”

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